NGONYE FALLS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Published : 11/2019

The document is the Non-Technical Summary of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Ngonye Falls Hydroelectric Project. ​

It provides a summary of the study conducted by DH Engineering Consultants on behalf of Western Power Company. ​

The purpose of the ESIA is to assess how the project will affect the environment and people and how these impacts will be managed. ​

The project is a 180 MW run-of-river hydropower scheme located on the Zambezi River near Sioma Town in the Western Province of Zambia. ​

The objective of the project is to generate clean, dependable, and affordable power for the Zambian national electricity grid. ​ The project will have a significant impact on the local community, including the loss of land and structures, disruption to traditional fishing practices, and changes to the landscape and cultural heritage resources. ​

However, it also offers benefits such as employment opportunities, clean energy generation, and community participation through a community benefit sharing scheme.

The document outlines the key impacts, management plans, stakeholder engagement process, and opportunities for public comment and feedback on the project.